Our group met for the second time on Monday the 15th October 2012 at Sue Huckers House, starting at 7pm and the following members were present:
Michael Page, Kathie Horner, Lyn Sleep, Sue Hucker and Leslie Bywater.
As before a small selection of cheese and biscuits were on the table to help our pallets.
The first was a white one...An Italian called "Orvieto Classic" 2011 from Umbria in Tuscany. and the average score awarded by us valiant five was 6.9 out of 10.
The second one was a red wine called "Mcguigan Cabernet Sheraz" from South East Australia with an average members score of 6.8 out of 10.
IAll members had a good time with a lot of social banter throughout the evening.
It was felt mainly that the red wine was more enjoyable than the white.
Our next meeting will be on Monday the 19th November at Val Westals house commencing at 7 pm.
Michael Page